
J. E. stands for Jennifer Erin. I know that question was burning in your mind. I live in Louisville, KY, with my husband, Ryan, and two dogs, Aeneas and Ariadne (100 points to anyone who gets those references without Googling them).

Usually super nerdy kids grow up and mellow out as they get older. I am not one of those kids. If anything, it’s gotten worse over the years. Growing up, I always read fantasy books late into the night and saw Star Wars way too many times in theaters, and now that I’m married to a toy collector and we have disposable income, we haunt local comic cons and comic shops like it’s our job (in addition to continuing to read fantasy novels and watch Star Wars way too many times).

I love to write because I think stories let us explore the best and worst in life in a safe, yet exciting way. They let us talk about things that are otherwise hard to talk about out loud, and they allow us to connect on a soul level no matter how different our life experiences may be.

Because I believe stories are a great vehicle for conversation, I want to hear from you! I’m pretty introverted and reserved myself, so I understand it can be intimidating to reach out (even digitally). But I promise if you honor me with a message, I will respond.